Kim Hopkirk

Psychotherapist, Acupuncturist & Chinese Medicine
Phone: 02 4965 3434

Kim has been a Chinese medicine practitioner since 1987, and is a highly experienced Chinese herbalist, and acupuncturist. She has trained in Japanese acupuncture since 1997, and loves the very gentle yet powerful needling that this style of medicine provides. Kim uses traditional and classical methods of treatment: needling, moxibustion, cupping, massage, and if needed, the power of herbs.

Kim believes that psychotherapy is a tool for healthy emotional living in this complex world.

Having had her own psychotherapy for many years, Kim encourages anyone who is curious about their own internal emotional world to come and experience what it might be like to understand oneself from within, rather than with-out.


Professional background

Kim began her training in psychotherapy while she was in early practice as an acupuncturist. Her first training was in Gestalt therapy, after which she moved into somatic psychotherapy in the early 90s. In 1999, Kim completed her training as a psychodynamic psychotherapist in the Conversational Model, which is highly effective for early developmental trauma, chronic anxiety and depression. This style of psychodynamic psychotherapy is evidence-based with several studies showing its efficacy.

Now on the training faculty of ANZAP, Kim also supervises trainees across Australia and New Zealand in the Conversational Model.

Kim has a full clinical and supervision practice in psychodynamic psychotherapy, including psychiatric registrars. She uses her somatic and Gestalt training as important touchstones in her work.

With a keen interest in the autonomic nervous, and the limbic systems, Kim works with how these systems influence the emotional, psychological, cognitive and spiritual aspects of ourselves.

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